Gables Breastfeeding Clinic has been created by Lactation Consultant Jane Radley and is set in a quiet, rural location on the Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire border.

The Clinic has been purpose-built to provide a calm, friendly environment in which babies, mothers and families can receive advice and practical help with breastfeeding.
Introducing Jane Radley
All clients attending Gables Breastfeeding Clinic for a consultation will be seen by Jane Radley.
Jane qualified as a Lactation Consultant in 2007 and established herself in London, visiting clients at home antenatally and/or postnatally.
A family move to the Oxfordshire region in 2010 allowed her to see clients in this and the surrounding counties.
More recently she has relocated to Buckinghamshire and has established The Gables Breastfeeding Clinic, having recognised the benefit clients gain from attending a dedicated clinic.
Jane's work at King's College Hospital
During her midwifery training and subsequent employment as a midwife at King’s College Hospital, London, Jane learned of the value of breastfeeding.
Jane’s passion and desire to empower women to successfully breastfeed their babies was recognised early on.
Jane formed part of a three person team that organised and ran King’s renowned Breastfeeding Clinic. She regularly taught the monthly Antenatal Breastfeeding Workshop, which provided effective education to thirty women.

The Trust recognised her dedication and desire for advanced breastfeeding training. It facilitated her successful transition to Lactation Consultant.
These skills were then applied both to the breastfeeding clinics, the postnatal ward, and during the establishment of King’s tongue tie clinic and the service offered there.
A dedicated clinic, a better service
In creating Gables Breastfeeding Clinic, Jane Radley has provided a dedicated, friendly and accessible space in which babies, mothers and families can be given advice, consultations and practical help to ensure they enjoy the best possible breastfeeding experience.

Within easy reach of London, Birmingham, Oxford, Northampton and the Home Counties, Jane hopes the Clinic will allow families from a much wider area to benefit from her expertise.